Thursday, January 13, 2011

To Whom It May Concern...

(Copy/Paste from Facebook on 1/8/11 in response to Tuscon shootings)

A series of brief letters that seem relevant today. Beginning with my status update from earlier today...

Dear America,

Regardless of outcome, can we please not make this about gun control? This is about the huge chasm that has formed between people in our country due to their political beliefs and the hatred that is resulting from it. Can we please use this as an opportunity to come together and talk sensibly again, not as an opportunity to point fingers and incite further hatred?

Dear Republicans/Tea Party/others who often get grouped in with them,

I don't hate you. I disagree with you politically. I voted for President Obama and tend to agree with most of his policies. I do not believe that these policies will destroy our country, but I respect your concern and belief that they are not in our country's best interest. I firmly believe that if there was less misinformation from politicians and pundits on BOTH sides, we'd find that our differences are a lot less drastic and a lot simpler than the major news networks like to portray.

Dear gun owners/NRA,

Today a gun was involved in a prominent act of violence. Many will immediately call for new gun control measures, but I do not agree with these knee jerk reactions. Laws do not heal wounds, but some find that they cannot cope with a tragedy unless "something is done about this". People work that way. I DO NOT want your guns taken away. I don't think Obama wants that either. Even with strict gun control laws, people who want to kill will still find ways to get guns. As proof of my point, look at our country's track record of preventing illegal immigrants and drugs from getting into the country. Guns would be no different. Keep your guns.

Dear Sarah Palin,

I do not believe, at this time, that you are responsible for the violence today. I do question the language you and others affiliated with you use. It is not directly encouraging violence, but it could be easily interpreted as such. I believe it is careless to use language like this, especially given the current political climate and the high tensions that are present among Americans. I don't want you to apologize, because I don't think it's your fault. However, I do think it would be an incredible gesture for you to change some of your signage and perhaps make a statement to your supporters that this sort of thing is absolutely reprehensible and NOT the type of action you wish of them. Encouraging more bipartisan cooperation among the average American would gain you much respect from myself and others.

Dear Liberals/left-wing/etc,

I tend to agree with you politically, but not always. You may feel inclined to start pointing fingers at Republicans, Tea Party supporters, and people like Sarah Palin. I do not blame you for having this inclination, however it is becoming apparent that the shooter had no affiliation with any of these groups or people. The majority of the people on the other side of the political coin are just like us. They are honest, hardworking Americans who just want what is best for the country. Some of them are educated, some are not. Just like us. We all come from the same place, but we're all coming from different places, if that makes any sense.

Dear Media,

I've had a bone to pick with you for quite awhile. I am disappointed that you chose money over journalistic integrity, and now the American public has no reason to trust you anymore. Gone are the days when we could watch the news and simply trust that what they were telling us was the best and most accurate information available. It is sad that I can watch MSNBC and be told one thing, and then switch over to Fox News and hear something completely contrary. It is sad that the number of trusted news sources is rapidly dwindling. You are partly responsible for the fact that nobody really knows where to find real facts anymore. You lost our trust and I don't believe you will ever get it back.

Dear conspiracy theorists,

Don't. Just don't.'s possible that this allegedly unaffiliated shooter may have been secretly hired and directed by a political organization to murder an opponent. I doubt that's the case though. If this were the case, I would trust our law enforcement to uncover such a plot and there would be proof rather than indiscriminate speculation.

Dear everybody,

Let's be sensible. Let's care for one another. Tragedies happen, regardless of what policies are in place. People shoot each other every day, but we only heard about this one because somebody famous/important was involved. If you're liberal, respect a conservative. If you're conservative, respect a liberal. We're not enemies.

Thank you!


Danny Loental

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