Friday, November 27, 2009

Blondes vs Brunettes

I stumbled upon this nuggest of pseudo-wisdom while I was in NYC, and am just now putting it to "paper".

Blondes are chain restaurants. They are well publicized and popular. They have good food(otherwise they wouldn't be successful), and you pretty much know what to expect from them before you go in. They are everywhere, so they're not hard to find. There is absolutely nothing wrong with chain restaurants. They are what they are.

Brunettes are local restaurants. They're quirky and interesting each in their own way. You have no idea what is on the menu the first time you go in, and sometimes it takes an adventurous spirit to choose a local restaurant over the tried-and-true chain joint. They are off the beaten path and do things their own way, and often result in extremely rewarding dining experiences.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is local.

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